Impact Ecosystem : Vision
Impact Ecosystem envisions a fair and regenerative world economy where human, social, and natural capital are properly valued to maximize collective happiness, health, and prosperity.
Mission: Facilitate the widespread adoption of ie.Money, an alternative currency like gift cards, loyalty points and community inclusion currency vouchers, that incentivizes and funds Impact Ecosystem’s vision via nonprofit support, community involvement, education, impact investment, economic justice, human friendly manufacturing & purchasing decisions, biodiversity preservation, climate smart action, open-mindedness, and ecosystem service payments.
Core Beliefs & Values: Everyone, including individuals, corporations, governments, and NGOs should follow the Golden Rule of treating others as they would like to be treated. This includes Honesty, Fairness, Respect, Empathy, Impact Awareness, and Cooperation. While we agree with the libertarian concept of people being free to do what they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else, we are mindful that the economic and natural worlds are interconnected more than most realize or acknowledge. Examples include the greenhouse gas emissions from Qatar affecting the weather in Pakistan and hazardous chemicals invented in the United States finding their way into fish eaten by Norwegians.
Humans have shown a tremendous capacity to adapt, cooperate and innovate in times of crisis. The current mass extinction event caused by rising CO2 levels, ignoring Planetary Boundaries and undervaluing Natural Capital provides us with the opportunity to overcome the biggest crisis we have ever faced.
Goals: By 2025, Impact Ecosystem would like to facilitate $100 million in:
• Grants to Non-Profits
• Rewards for Ecosystem Services & Impact Investment
• Discounts on Human Friendly Products & Services
• Financing for the Transition to a Regenerative Economy
We kindly request that individuals and organizations show your support by joining Impact Ecosystem today. There is no cost or financial obligation, and all members will receive an Impact Ecosystem Governance Token to have a vote in how we operate, make grants, rewards, discounts, and funding decisions.
Impact Ecosystem envisions an alternative currency, like gift cards, loyalty points and community inclusion currency vouchers, that incentivizes and funds the transition to a regenerative economy where human, social and natural capital are properly valued.
Promote a fair & regenerative economy designed to maximize human health and happiness via nonprofit support, community involvement, education, impact investment, economic justice, human friendly manufacturing & purchasing decisions, biodiversity preservation, climate smart action, open-mindedness, and ecosystem service payments that properly value natural capital.